The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1059 times
Member Comments
This is SO precious. I couldn't wait to see what Andy had purchased! Loved the natural flow of dialogue.

I don't think you need quotes in "no."

I felt as if I was a fly on the wall, listening and visualizing it all. Well done!
This is great. I love the energy and the innocence that is so clearly portrayed. The tie reminds me of one a friend of mine wore - that I would love to find, so I could wear it with the same silent pride as he was showing. It was covered with identical cartoon-drawn penguins, and one at the bottom was saying to another, "Have you seen Harry?"
Sounds like a tie my husband would wear. Great flow to your story. It kept my attention all the way through. Loved the ending. Keep writing.
The dad was a good sport and left a lasting memory on his son, no doubt! Good story, well written.
The dad was a good sport and left a lasting memory on his son, no doubt! Good story, well written.
Oops. Itchy iPad finger...
Oh, this is great. I loved the ending especially.
Very cute. Even though I was pretty sure(generally)what he bought, you still kept me wondering throughout. You captured his childlike wonder so well. And dad was a great sport. Well done.
I adored this piece from start to finish! The way you captured your son's anticipation and exuberance over going to the store and purchasing this gift for his dad was priceless. I also loved the way you captured the joy that you felt at watching his joy... And bless his dad's heart, for not breaking his son's heart. I will tell you, I did wonder at what that reaction would be. The ending was the piece de resistance as his dad wore the tie to a a special family wedding and having the last line be him "grinning ear to ear." There is nothing like nor will there ever be anything like see the joy of one's child and getting to share that. Where does that come from? I know it comes from our heavenly Father who feels the same way when we rejoice! Thanks for sharing this delightful piece.
This got my eyes all watery! I couldn't help but remember all the gifts my son has gotten me over the years. Now that he's twenty-one, and has a wife, the gifts have changed. But I can still remember the neat little things he thought were too awesome not to give me.

Thanks for the memories!

This is a sweet story that made me forget where I was. I love how the imagery, and dialogue, simply leads us where you want us to go.
Great job!
Aw... so cute. Memories of our kids are priceless. A lovely, well writen story for the topic.
So delightful! And who can resist a happy child's surprise and a Daffy Duck tie! (I am a Daffy Duck afficienado). Thank you for this joyous piece.
I just adored your playful story and the remembered dialogue with your son! I bet you were/are an amazing mom and I would bargain that your joyous attitude was passed on to your son.
Lynn, Such a well deserved win that I think left everyone grinning ear to ear right along with Andy. Thanks again so much for sharing this delightful piece and CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!
Lynn...Congratulations on this beautiful entry. I didn't have a chance to read any this week, up to now.

God bless~
Congratulations Lynn, What a touching story. Love it!
Congratulations, Lynn. Great job!
Congratulations on your Highly Commended. Great job!
No surprise here! :-)
Hey Lynn, Congrats again! They finally got the highest rankings up and you were 20 over all! Sweet!! Your story, along with the lovable Andy are the best. Have a beautiful Sabbath day in the Lord. Blessings to you girl.
Congratulations on placing 4th in level three and ranking 20th overall! Happy Dance!
I was positive I had commented on this. I remember it and loved it. There's nothing that will make a man wear a Daffy Duck tie like seeing his son's proud face!