The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Such a well written, thought provoking topic. Sadly, children can be so cruel and so much damage done to others through their words and action.
It seems schools are becoming aware and implementing policies to help correct this. Great job! Thanks! God bless!
Bullies come in all shapes and sizes and ages, but never is it more tragic than when seen in youth, where often the victim is not emotionally able to handle it.

Good for Asha to take Deevah out of the situation until he can grow and mature enough to not let it drive him over the edge. Far too many suicides from this!

This a powerful story reminding of an all too common occurrence! Yes, it is good that many schools are developing policies to help curb this and there are help-lines, etc, but unfortunately not all bullying occurs on school grounds or where help is available, so sadly there is no magic answers to all bullying in the world, apart from Jesus changing the bully’s heart!
This is extremely well written in my opinion. I love how you tell Deevah's story without a hint of judgement. So sad that we can't all do that in real life. Nice job.
Especially loved the imagery of the nail file and the plum. Excellent penning of such a tender story. Thank you for sharing.
You have profiled the emotions of the vulnerability, the innocence and the pain that can all-too-readily accompany being different.
This is beautifully written and so sad. It depicts the plight of the vulnerable so well.
What a sad story ~ I didn't realize Deevah was a boy until the middle of the story. It took me by surprise and I had to reread it to see if I missed something. I think that enhanced the point you were making, but maybe you could have told the reader a tad sooner. My heart hurt for his story and all of the Deevahs of the world. Nicely done.