The Official Writing Challenge
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Thank you so much for your transparency in sharing such a difficult time with us. Physical and emotional pain can cause so much turmoil and others are helped when we let them see what Jesus has healed us from.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I truly feel so privileged at being on the receiving end of such humbleness.

Humbleness that reveals a rare depth of courage to intimately share your trials in order to reach out to others, lovingly and compassionately reassuring them that God is good, God is great and God is merciful.

In essence, hope for those who need encouragement to press through personal trials and heartache instead of giving up.
You really are such a blessing and I am genuinely honored to be called your friend!
Wow, you have shown a lot of personal courage - if this is your own experience - or incredible insights into the thinkling of anyone with suicidal tendencies. If it is personal experience, 2 Thess 1: 3 - 5 may widen your perspective further. God bless you.
Very courageous of you to share your testimony. God sure has reason for you to keep on, my friend. :)
Those medicines can be so scary. You are brave to share your story and I pray God will continue to use you to be able to reach out to help others in the same situation.
Suicidal tendencies as a side effect of medication is horrifying! Having taken care of someone with suicidal tendencies before, I can understand the inclination and pray that those around the depressed would show loving care and be sensitive enough to realize where the problem lies, especially when it comes to sudden change with medication. Thanks for sharing this.
I'm so glad you could share your story. It's not as outrageous as some may think. I have a chronic illness, too. Once I was in a clinical trial for a pain med and I felt better than I had in years until I hit a point where suicide was always on my mind, too. It's a very real thing. I got off of it quickly with my doctor's help.

Also, with chronic illness and the pain that comes with it, it's easy to let my mind wander to suicide. Only wander... I'm so glad my thinking is clear enough to know it's definitely not the answer. I'm so glad you were able to get off your meds so you could think clearly once again, too.

It will help so many people to know they are not alone in their struggles with 'anti-depressants'. They don't always work in ways that were intended. Blessings to you and if you ever need to talk, you can PM me.
Such a raw, honest entry. Thank you for sharing it.
What a powerful story and, more importantly, testimony to the Lord bringing us through the darkest of times.

It is truly frightening the side effects some medications can have. When I took care of my dad in the final stages of pancreatic cancer one of the meds they had him on made him so agitated it was horrible for him and everyone around him. None of us got any sleep until it got changed.

I'm so thankful that the Lord brought you through that year...he knew we'd need you here!
Thanks for sharing your testimony. God is so faithful to carry us through. The side-effects of drugs are sometimes worse than the condition they are treating. I had a friend who took anti-depressants. They caused him to be suicidal and sadly he succeeded. I am thankful God protected you. God bless you and your children.
I really appreciate you sharing this harrowing experience. I can't imagine going through that.
For red ink--I would take out everything that makes it a softer delivery. (explainations, etc) Because it is so terrifying, a minimalist approach is most powerful, in my opinion. And you have used that for the most part. I'd end it at "God had other plans" YES! Thank God.
I empathize! anti depressants are dangerous. Thank you for sharing this part of your life so beautifully with so much faith.
Thank you for sharing this, whether it is your true experience or that of another. Courageous writing, either way.

For a stronger and more powerful impact, I'd suggest that it be written from just a slightly more "understated" viewpoint . . . Even though it might seem contradictory to make "tough it up," it would give it a "punch" that would help the reader empathize . . . and truly feel the despair.

Glad you drew me back here, Shann. I agree with what the others said about this taking a great deal of courage to write. I suffered with a bit of postnatal depression and remember some of the crazy, illogical, dangerous thinking. I believe you capture it SO well and share it so honestly and, as always, you give God the credit for drawing you through it. I've missed reading your beautiful entries!