The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1222 times
Member Comments
You have wonderful vivid images here, from the orange juice falling, the coffee perculating, to the mound of dishes. :) I love your ending sentence, "distracted from the distractions." :) Heart-warming and perfect for the topic!
This is rich in description. You easily captured me, and drew me into your world. Definitely spot-on for the topic! Favorite line: "And usher them to the waiting bus, each of them off to discover their own plot and point of view." Neat! Great job with this.

Loved the imagery and the flow of this. Great job.
I am always in awe of a well-constructed poem, and this is no exception. Great imagery and right on topic.
Such a realistic portrayal of everyday life and how full of distractions it can be! Thank you.
Oh - the imagery here is perfect! I really, really like this one - great job! I especially like the lines "Shrouding my thoughts of the commonplace/In the shiny foil wrap of significance", which stuck to my heart in the way a good metaphor should.
You may have called this Distractions, but I felt strangely calmed while reading it. When everyday life encroaches into my literary creativity, it tends to frazzle and frustrate me and this is definitely not good for my muse, but the actions of the narrator gave a vision of tranquility-even the spilt juice.

Thanks, you've given me a new slant on the distractions in a writer's life. I really enjoyed reading this, I hope it does well.