The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1183 times
Member Comments
Powerful words (BOTH stories) and heart-breaking too! You drew me in with your words! Excellent work!
Wow! Wow! Wow! I've heard it said that one of Satan's greatest tricks is to convince people he is not real. Your story certainly showed this to be true. Again I say Wow!
I can imagine this story as a modern Alfred Hitchcock or maybe even Twilight Zone. Very well written.
Terrific job with the suspense. You've done a great job bringing the book your MC was reading into reality in her life.
Excellent lesson in this. Well done.
Wow and ouch. Good story, Awesome message. Loved it. We can never justify sin but must repent and turn from it.
Great message, well told. At first I wasn't too sure why the article seemed totally written in italicized form, but then, near the end, it made complete sense. I especially liked that you included the Biblical truth of God's love and forgiveness - something to help us all through those valleys of darkness and despair.
I decided to read this again, now that I'm out of the hospital and not on as much medications. It's still a wow, wow, wow! You wrote a truly amazing and powerful story this week.
Really good. I like the story within the story.
Congratulations on placing with a electrifying story! At first I too was confused by the italics but eventually realized what you were trying to do. Still not sure they were necessary as the story is strong on its own. Well done.
Kathryn, super congrats on your "highly commended" award!
Ooooh, good one! Love the twist at the end and congrats on your HC! ^_^
Very deserving of this award! A lesson to us all!