The Official Writing Challenge
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Hats off to Jenny who is developing a larger world view and learning the see the needs of the lost and beyond a colourful poster.
Third sentence - you want 'border' not 'boarder'. Having said that, your story is a great illustration both of the greatness of the need, and of Jenny's finding a focus for that need. May her prayers grow until they touch more than Africa. God bless you.
Would that more children had grannies (or grandads, or mums and dads...) like Jenny's. I firmly believe it is not only the Gospel seed that we should sow into the next generation, but a passion for the lost all over the world. What a great way to start. I loved the way the Cinderella poster came down, not that it was wrong, but it conveyed so much of how Jenny was growing up. Well told.
Very touching. I love how God works to show us His love for all the world.
I love Grandma stories. We really have a job to do, don't we?
Good story.

Jenny is obviously from good family stock. Grandma may have encouraged her to put the world map on the wall, but it was Jenny who made the commitment to do the research. Bravo to both characters... and bravo to you for writing it so well.
Touching and beautiful. Thank you Lord for granny's that pray and teach us to pray.
Wonderfully touching story. Loved the little girls heart, and the grandma's wisdom...well done.
I really liked your wise grandmother and the little obedient girl with the tender heart. Your story is an excellent reminder for us all to see the "people" that represent the "places."
Wonderful descriptions. I felt right along with your MC. Lovely piece.
Nicely done. I liked how the mixed emotions Jenny had in the opening (betrayal, etc.) were transformed near the end.
I really like how your MC's heart changed throughout the story. God has a way of doing that! :) Well done.
Touching Africa - love your title after reading the story. Excellent job showing the grief of the little girl losing her beloved poster but her love and devotion to her grandma - wanting to do what she asked. Excellent job. Loved it.
Your message really ministered to me. I enjoy honest, clear writing from the heart.
What a good story! I like that even tho she didn't like the replacement for her poster, she promised her grandma she would pray...and then she did! And not just a general prayer but she actually got out her encyclopedia so she could pray specifically.

I searched hard for red ink - very minor, but "boarder" should be "border". And maybe it took a little long to bring in the topic? (but that's probably not even relevant - I told you I searched hard. :))

I love the details, like when she climbed on her desk. A great character and a wonderfully told story that packs an important message.