The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 2147 times
Member Comments
Okay, I must admit that this is absolutely hilarious - one of the funniest stories I've ever read on the challenge... :-)
My girl is a little bit of a "chocoholic", but I don't mind... I love her just the way she is!
Ohhhhh.... I want some chocolate now! She was much more generous with the hubby than I would be!

Some great lines... “Drop the chocolate and no one gets hurt!” I've actually said something similar to my Hubby.

and I LOVE the PMS paradise... haha.

Man... I gotta go find some chocolate.
Cute and funny! Well done! My favorite is dark European chocolate. If you ever are at a function where there is a chocolate fountain I would be the one first in line, lapping at the rich goodness like a thirsty mutt.:0) Great writing! Loved it! God bless!
Well,I maintain that if chocolate is the answer, then the question doesn't matter. I loved this! Fun and just the right pace.
This is WAY too funny. And it's all too true. Wonderful story. I'm backing away from the chocolate right now. It's okay. See me? :) Well, maybe just one candy bar:) LOL!
The last line of this is my favorite. So funny!

What a clever entry with a catchy title. You drew me right in with the voice of the MC.

I hope this one places high, because it's almost as good as chocolate (but not quite) :)
Fantastic - funny, fast paced and yummy. Where can I book the "European Chocolate Tour?" Awesome, I'm still giggling.
H-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. " chocolate time of month." made me snarf. A masterpiece of voice...I loved the whole shabang. One of my favorites for the week!
How i needed this tonight to make me smile. Well done it was an excellent entry. Swiss chocolate is my favourite!
ROFL!!!! This deserves an entire line of exclamation marks! heehee, what a hilarious tale. I loved it from beginning to end and the last line was a cincher. I loved the "Drop the chocolate and nobody gets hurt" somedays I really feel like that. Great stuff! Kudos! ^_^
ha!ha! This is hilarious! I love the line "Drop the chocolate and no one gets hurt!"

Thanks for the giggle!
Sensational. Shame you didn't get to Britain - Cadbury's is even better!
Your title caught my attention and your story held me captive.

Absolutely hilarious! I laughed until I cried.
I Laughed OUT Loud! OH YUM! I am dreaming of chocolate now. :D

Oh it makes me want to go to Europe even more! Especially the chocolate town! hahahahahaha

I love the statement "Drop the chocolate and no one gets hurt!" hahahaha! LOL

So clever and F.U.N.

"chocolate wonderment" lol

Love the scene on the plane, and the last line is perfect.

Great, Great job!

Oh, what a MAARRVEELLOOUUSS voice! Delightfully funny and cute and rich with lines I won't soon forget. Fun.
You are so incredibly funny and it translates to your entry like a Master Writer. I always enjoy your entries.
I love your sovenirs...and your story! I'm a chocoholic, too.
Congratulations on your EC. This is very funny, and written very well.
WOO HOO!!! I knew this would place high! You're moving on up!
This is one of the most enjoyable stories that I have ever read on Faithwriters. This story defines the words "clever" and "funny". Being a fellow chocoholic, I could relate to the sentiment behind every word. Nicely done! Great work! A pleasure to read!
So many ways truth is revealed - one of them just happening to be in the very funny expose. Great job and congratulations on your EC placement.
Oh this is pure delight from beginning to end! I loved it!

In South Africa we also spread chocolate on our bread and there is a great treat here in American stores that is from Holland I believe. You can buy it from Costco - it is called Nutella. My kids and hubby love it!
I am soooo very proud of you, my friend. I have a place saved for you in master's:) Come on up, baby!!!
Oh, this is great. So funny and so telling. Hope your mc is feeling better after this "true confession." Great job, and congratulations!
Good stuff Mari! (And the story's awfully good too. hee hee) Congratulations, friend.
Your writing style is fun and refreshing. I am a true fan of light-hearted, well-written articles.
But, something concerns me with this one. For me, I cringe at the line where you call God, "The Big Guy". Maybe, its just me, but the article would have been just as good without that line. Borders on using the Lord's name in a blasphemous way.
Please, accept this as a heart-felt point made with love of your writing ability.