The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Touching allegory. I love the ending of a knock on the door.
You really know how to get and hold a reader's interest. I loved your story and your message. The knock on the door is the perfect ending.
Written nicely and creative; however, as a Reader, I found myself walking and walking, and not getting anywhere; and I missed the topic completely...but I thought it had a good message about how to make friends, and living things needing love and care and breathing space. It was, as I stated, written well and very creative.
Absolutely beautiful. A wonderful message and excellent sense of place. I could feel the heartache throughout this piece. Lovely.
Beautiful. A lot of emotion in this piece. Lovely illustration of how we sometimes have to go through difficult times in order to be ready for the blessings the Lord has for us. Loved the ending!
Lovely, visual writing, and a super, open ending.
I found myself holding my breath and leaning towards the computer screen to get closer to the field of flowers. This was a great story. I want to know who is at the door!
I understand this on so many levels. A wonderfully deep and multi-layer piece of writing. Excellent!!
Beautiful story, Laury. Mari was sweet but confused. She missed her opportunity to be a good friend.
This reminded me of the fairy tales I used to read...lovely descriptions and flow.
You are a flawless writer. This is a very beautifully written allegory. I think the line that hits me the most is: "Such love for these living things baffled her. "

What a wonderful story. I could relate to this and I loved the ending--a lesson and hope. God prepares us for things. Well done!
Lovely descriptions and a toughing message. I too want to know who was at the door.
What a LOVELY allegory! Your descriptions were beautiful.
I'm not sure of the last sentence. I needed more to even guess who might be there.
There could be so many ways to learn from this story.
Thank you for writing it.
I love reading and writing allegories. This was superb. I don't know how you manage to think up these imaginative tales, but I am always impressed.

I saw the topic clearly in this one. Had Mari not questioned God, then her flower friends might have lived. At least she was able to take this lesson and use it to help her find new friends.

Good job Laury. I hope you feel better soon. :)
This was of my very favorites this week. Wow, and thanks.
Oh wow! This is awesome. I loved reading it and you had me captivated the entire time. I love the way in which the flowers teach her the value of friendship. You are so creative.
What a pretty little piece! I liked the allegory in here, especially with the touch of the flowers in the pot and Mari. (I really like her name!) This was different and with a careful message at the end. ^_^
This is really touching. I have a really tender heart about things like the little flowers, too. Well done.
I love Mari's Story. It is a beautiful, dreamy piece which leaves me feeling hopeful and cautious at the same time. Beautiful, sweet Laury, and I'm praying for you! :)
I love Mari and her flowers. And how the Lord used them to open her heart for true friendships. What a great writer you are! God Bless.