The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh, this is delightfully fun. I so felt for the pastor. I'm so glad he saw the humor in it all, after all. I love the ending line. Great, fun story. Bravo!

(One of my favorie lines was about Hannah's face turning the color of the roses on her dress.)
LaughOutLoud funny! I liked the part where the Pastor is thinking to himself...going through the embarrassing moments checklist in his head. This piece 'smells' funny--but it's on topic!
This was hilarious to read! Your writing is so smooth and believeable in the "truth is stranger than fiction" category. :) Great work on this very entertaining entry. LOL
This was fun, and you did a nice job with the suspense.
Really funny. I enjoyed this very amusing tale. Glad that the pastor allowed his sense of humour to win through.
Poor man, glad he could join the fun. Felt like I was in the room, thanks for a fun read.
You put me right smack in Pastor Jim's head - I was about as curious as he was about what the laughter was about. A very fun, enjoyable read.
How funny! Great writing here! I sure didn't know where you were going with this!
Well! That was an embarrassing moment, glad the minister saw the humor in it at last. Though I wonder, if while considering Ruth Stinkelman's name, his mind subconsciously changed that 'P' to an 'F'...
Funny! Poor pastors when the congregation gets distracted.
I'm glad I wasn't the one who made that typo!
Good writing.
Oh my, my!!!!! Hillarious (sp?). This one made my day. As an Air Force news Paper editor I made my share of typos. I can relate, so so well. Excellent job.
God bless.
This is Oh-So-Funny!! You must have had a ball writing this one!! Hillarious! Now I'm gonna be substituting letters all day...thanks for the great laugh. I think. LoL. Hugs!!!
This is too funny. I love the way you built the suspense. I had to keep reading faster and faster to get to the punch line. Good job with the topic.
Hilarious! You have me laughing so hard I can barely write this. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
This is hysterical. I saw where it was going about half way through, but it didn't matter. I *still* laughed. Love the name Stinkelman, too. hehe. Thumbs up.
Oh my goodness this was so funny. It reminds me of several Church follies I have seen myself. Well done!
Poor man! One of the funnier moments of his career, I'm sure. The characters, the setting, and the "thought" dialogue is really good. Very funny!
You kept me intrigued from start to finish (the sign of a good--very good writer) wondering what on earth could be wrong. Oh my, that was just priceless. I had to put my coffee down or I'd be looking for a new laptop. Well done Laura!!!
Brilliant - This really put a smile on my face. I laughed out loud when he read what was on the paper aeroplane. Very well written!
So, so, so funny! That's one party I would not want to go to! I love this!
Another good reason for having a second set of eyes around to check for typos before anything gets printed. Great story.
ROFL!!! Thanks for putting a laugh in my day! Love it!
Great job. Perfect Title. When I was fresh out of school, I was the parish secretary...I can relate to embarrassing typo's. Very funny and believable piece. Good writing!
So were you tempted to typo the title too??? :D Very funny and realistic.
Dear, girl, what a funny entry. Your sense of humor and heart shines through this piece like a lighthouse on very solid rock. Very confident writing, besides highly entertaining. And thank you for your gracious comment on my poem.