The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Excellent! As one who loves to write poetry, I could really feel with this.
This lovely poem shows the heart and prayer of the poet.
The imagery in this is very good, and I like how you intersperse free verse with meter and rhyme as it suits your words. Beautiful!
A fine example of "word-painting" here. Well done, anointed poet!
This is wonderful. I could feel your reliance on God. Beautiful imagery. Great job.
This is definitely written by someone who knows what they are doing. Terrific work.
Very well written, and a perfect subject for this week's topic. I especially loved the last sentence.
This poem sent chills through me. I wonder if this is how David felt when he sang psalms to the Lord, or the prophets when the quiet voice of God inspired them to write.

There were some precious pictures in the words of the first stanza and throughout. I can't pick a favorite spot. The only thing I would have done is to italicize the words that God spoke to the poet-prophet to make it clearer who was speaking.

A beautifully wrought piece of verse!
Good picture of a poet waiting on the anointing of God for inspiration.
As someone who likes to write poetry, I really enjoyed this piece. Thankyou for expressing some of the process in such a creative way. God bless your poetic ministry.