The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
It's amazing what going through our memories can do for us, isn't it? I enjoyed this, very much!

Mary N
Your gift of writing is AMAZING! What an inspirational piece!
Wow! I'm so glad I read this. It was a blessing. I am a very unorganized person, but also a person of faith. I feel guilty that, as a child of God, I am not more organized, but your comments on your husband reassured me that you can love the Lord and still not be organized. You wrote about him with such love and tenderness.
All those precious memories stored in your heart proclaim the love of God that resides in you and sustained you both over the years. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, I need to be reminded over and over again that we are all works in progress, and to see the real progress which is an eternal one.
>>Heaps of junk fills our disorganized garage, but the special traits that fill my husband’s Godly soul rise high above the mess. Although his lack of attention to our garage frustrates me, I’m learning to look past the junk and see only his treasures.<<

Could I get you to come and talk to Mrs. Maxx for me?!? lol

Excellent lesson. We are all on the road to perfection ... we ain't there yet!
I loved the "learning to look past the junk" line. I think that's what God does with us so often. He looks past all the junk in our lives and sees the treasure that He created. This was very touching. Great writing!
Beautifully done JoJo. I see you are as blessed as I am.
Hi Jo. I just wanted to take a moment to encourage you and let you know that you made it into the semi-finals for the "Thanksgiving" Challenge. So although you didn't actually win a place or Highly Commended award, you were in the running and did do quite well. With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)