The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow! And I was holdong mine until the end. I loved this - I really loved this. It truely is inspiring on many levels and wiil touch many exactly 'where they are at.'

It's lovely.
I want to say, "More! More!" This is gripping writing as you take your reader along on the run, one step at a time. Terrific description, here, but I am suspicious this only hints at what lies behind and ahead of this episode. So, I hope you will include this when you write the rest of your story! You sure know how to write, Friend.

Thank you, too, for your welcome comments on my "Sparrow" story. I appreciate it, and you!
I really like this - it is so true to life! I was right there with you every step of the way and could FEEL the victory! In my opinion, this is a very powerful piece of writing. Makes me think and appreciate the challenge of earthly life and the promises of eternal life.