The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 548 times
Member Comments
This is a heart wrenching story and so well written. Kudos to you my dear for standing up to the struggles of life with the Lord at your side. Thank you for sharing your testimony.
God Bless
This life has no guarantees, only He gives the one you mention, that He'll always be with us. I'm glad you still consider yourself blessed. You've creatively and engagingly written this poignant entry.
Wonderment. Praise God He has you right where you belong, enfolded in His loving Arms. God bless you with His desires for your life. Courage, mon ami!

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Your journey and inspiring story of strength and resolve, magnifies how incredible our Father is. He kept you going, and has been with you throughout your trials and tribulations.

Thank you for sharing your story, it will witness to many...and touch hearts.

God bless~
You seem to gather all the strength you can mustard from the Lord. Never, I mean never loose hope in him. Great story and God bless you.