The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Your descriptive skills deliver more thoughts and pictures than your number of words, yet you keep us right with you all the way through. Inner thoughts, outward pictures, and an inviting close make up a package that deserves to rate very well indeed.
Your story progression was excellent (as a reader, I had no idea where you were taking me). Your main character was so real. I love the title in relation to the use of "tie" from your story. Everything about this story satisfied and your message was the crowning feature.
I liked this well written walk in the park. The word "taught" gave me a momentary stumble. I think you meant "taut." Nicely done.
You did it again my friend, painting another vivid story with characters so real that you can reach out and touch them. You paint pictures better than anyone I know... I loved the honest questioning your MC did of himself and his relationship with Carol, I loved the relationship you painted between yourself and Sadie even though you were annoyed at her for needing you, she got you out of the house where you cleared your head and came to your senses. Tying in the strings on a kite and making us think about our ties to one another was thought provoking. But the best part of all was the MC's realization that God can mend those broken ties and being willing to give HIm that chance. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story and Congrats for it coming in #22 over all! Blessings to you and yours..
Congratulations on ranking 22 overall!