The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You picture so very graphically and distinctly the choices man has, to allow Jesus to free him by unlocking that prison door or staying in a place of torment, only to go to a worse place of torment. Your writing always shows the beauty of the mercy of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Your poems are like the gospel in poetic form. The command you have of poetic language is so vast and "trips off the tongue" to read. I always have to back and read your poems several times. Because the first time or two, I am just enjoying the flow and the rhyme and then I re-read again for the richness of the meaning. Thank you for the blessing that you are!
Your poem sheds light on the despair of lost souls. Not only that, but I was reminded of the deep despair of those who are lost and held captive to addiction. Praise the Lord that he holds the key to true freedom. Thanks for writing.
You have a gift for expressing deep truth with simple language and rhythm, as you move us from despair to hope. Well done.
Lovely! I loved the last line - a pardoning Man who held the key. Great job! God bless!
From despair to hope, in fine poetic form. Well done.
As I read this, I'm reminded that one can be imprisoned without being in prison. You did a great job of making that point poetically.

I think the poem would benefit from a few, well-placed punctuation marks, even though it's traditional verse.

Your last line does a great job of complementing the first. The only "life" key we need is the one Jesus holds.
Beautiful job once again my friend. Thanks.

God bless~
I love your emotions here - real.
You have a gift for poetry, and especially deep poetry. This flows beautifully and carries a great message with it. Well done.
Beautifully written. Thank you for expressing such deep thoughts through poetry. The final line of the pardoning key is so powerfully expressed.
God bless.
You have so captured the depths of our hearts bound in sin, before we know the saving power of the Lord Jesus setting us free. Thank you for this wonderful poem, I love your last two lines particularly.
Your first two lines and your last two said it all:

"Locked away without life's key
Hearts imprisoned cannot flee...

"There was but One to set them free
A pardoning Man Who held the key."

This was a very nicely flowing poem with a great message! You helped us feel the despair of the lost but then gave us all hope in Jesus!

Good job! :)
Still savoring your amazing gift of prose. Lovely~again!
There was but One.....Hallelujah!
Great Job!
I think you did a fabulous job penning this poem. I could so relate with the MC. I know how scary stumbling in the dark can be. The line about the nightmares really resonated inside my heart. You have blessed me with your words.
Congratulations! May God bless you richly . . .
My congratulations are from one poet's heart to another . . . this was truly beautiful.