The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1051 times
Member Comments
Loved the entire piece, the intensity, the message and the writing.

This was my favorite:

"Only the truth as revealed by God’s spirit to one’s spirit - the love of Jesus for humanity, his death and resurrection – can ignite the embers of a person’s soul."

Excellent! God bless~
Loved this entry. The analogy and the way it smoothly flows to the message. Excellent writing and use of the topic.
Very descriptive and inviting lead into a very positive challenge to close it off. Well done - which is how I like my steak.;-)
your potent message flowed smoothly from your family's the line about carrying the fire of God everywhere we go!
I enjoyed your story and the analagy between heat beads and people. (I also remember occasions when heatbeads took ages to actually heat up enough to cook anything!) Thanks.
I especially liked the sentence that started "It might be a "suddenly" moment... I'd never heard that expression before. Your story was a delight, beginning with the family "barbie," and then turning to how and why we serve God. I thoroughly enjoyed your entry. It covered the topic quite nicely.
Great job. Love reading stories where everyday event can be seen as messages of enlightenment, similes, of God at work in our lives.
Enjoyed this very much - great story and you tied the lesson in seamlessly.
Ignite is the word of the week for me....As I was reading your superb article I was reminded of our ladies Bible study message yesterday morning and how God ignites His word in our spirit. Thank you for this well crafted message!
PS your clever title was my favorite!
This is a beautiful devotion and part tears to my eyes. I liked how you related a true experience and then showed the Biblical message in it. The song Pass it On came to my mind. One part starts out--It only takes a spark to get a fire going but soon all those around warm up to its glowing. That's how it is with god's love... Your story is the spark many of us need to keep that fire going.
Congratulations for ranking 8th in Masters and 12 overall!