The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a charming story. You covered quite a bit with the word limit, yet it didn't feel rushed at all.

The only suggestions I might make are the same things I noticed in my own story this week.(unfortunately I noticed them after I hit submit!) First, be careful about repeating words in such a short story. Memories is one word I noticed, another is picnics. I think you'll be surprised at how many times you used them.

The other thing is when the same person is talking and you begin a new paragraph, make sure you put a quotation mark at the beginning of each one. Of course, you don't put the end quote until the person is finished speaking. (And in case someone mentions it a single quotation mark like this ' is correct as long as you're consistent, which you were.)

I loved the British style and words you used. I enjoy learning different phrases but it also added a quaint bit of charm to the story for me.

I thought you did a great job of writing on topic and the idea of communion as God's special picnic with us is a lovely idea.

Your message of cherishing those little moments that help carve out who we become later in life is a wonderful message. Sometimes it's much easier to remember the bad times but your reflection of the good times left me with a warm and safe feeling.
A lesson to be learned by all. Good recounting, and nice job with how you journaled this piece. Great message in finding "the good times" and recognizing it before it's gone by. Good job.

Thanks. God bless~
Warm and reflective as well as inspiring - and does the vegemite sandwich indicate another anonymous Aussie contributor?
I admit I'm an American unfamiliar with some terms used in this but I absolutely loved it because of that! I'm such a softie for family memories so this entry delighted me. Especially that it had a mommy (Mum) and little girls. And a picnic in the house sounds like a wonderful way to create memories. Loved this! God bless!
I love your memories. The very simple things with heart are the ones we treasure longest. This was very enjoyable.
This was special! I truly enjoyed the way you painted the setting of the mom and her little girls, then later them all around a table as adults reminiscing, and then again her by herself drawing strength and inspiration from those memories.

To then tie it to how our own celebrations of the Lord's table need to inspire memories of Him in us ... that was just brillant. Wonderful job here!