The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a nice retelling of the story. I studied this recently in Bible study and some of the traditions and history of the day make this an even more astonishing story.
A wonderful re-telling and right on topic.

I like how at the end Mary and Martha "genuflect." At first I thought it meant to make the sign of the cross and then wondered how could they since the cross hadn't happened yet. But then I looked up the word and it actually means "to bend a knee in reverence; to express a servile attitude." Wow! That really touched me deeply to see the true meaning. Thank you for making me look it up! A wonderful piece of writing.
Great piece here. Can you even begin to imagine how we would react if our loved one was raised from the dead? I think we need to have our hearts eyes opened by more articles like this one. Well done!
I loved this re-telling of one of my favorite Bible stories!Very nice job.
Perfect story for “astonishment” topic...and you have retold it so well. I just love the fact that Jesus resurrecting Lazarus was a foreshadowing of what Jesus will do for everyone who believes in Him. So an astonishing event times millions or beyond is mind boggling love from an astonishing savior! Loved your story and how it got my mind pondering it all. Great job.
This is a nice entry, and yes it certainly fits the topic well.

As I was reading through, I did feel it was a little bit like reading a translation of the actual scripture; I wonder if you might have written this from the perspective of Mary or Martha, sharing their internal conflict and finally their absolute amazement and elation at the resurrection of their brother. Just a thought, and definitely not a criticism! Well done on a great entry.
Yes, thanks for that wonderful recounting of the Lazarus story. Indeed, Mary and Martha were amazed at what Jesus had done, but so was the crowd. Should you decide to expand on the story, you might want to consider using children in the crowd to tell the story of their "shock and awe" at this amazing miracle, and how it affected them. This would allow you to put your special, creative touch to the story.

Thanks for reminding us of the wonderful works Christ did while He lived on earth.
You're right on topic. This must have been a MOST astonishing moment for all involved. Thanks for sharing.