The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Completely OUT of the box!
Very fun! Loved the creative wordplay. Not sure how much of it I deciphered, but that's not especially high on my list of criteria. Sure hope it earns some well-deserved recognition!
Your story was out of the box for sure. I liked the little bits of humor along with a nice adaptation of the story. Good job.
Creative descriptions of the characters and the action, which I feel the rest of us would struggle to e-mule-ate!
Very enjoyable read.
I agree, now this is thinking "outside the box." Quite visual. Shame on ol' Blamer Cranky Pants. Great take on a great Bible story. Well done.
Hi Nancy, I just wanted to say that I think it's a crime this received no "official" recognition. I hope to be Blessings to you!
What I began to say, before so rudely interrupting myself, was, I hope to be seeing more "outside the box" efforts from you in the future. Stories that are both childlike in imagination & adult in stylistic challenge get me nearly every time. :)