The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is a thought-provoking devotional reinforced by scripture and Biblical characters. Well done. (The only "red ink" I would give it is an occasional personal antecdote would pull your reader in even more.)
Congratulations on recognising the undercurrents within our connections with others, without getting lost in introspective speculation that ignores what is obvious. I'm not sure if your meant "clues" instead of "cues' in your title, but you have zeroed in on our openness to God, who sees our hearts - deeper than our words and our gestures. Very well done.
Very good. You are right. God doesn't need to see our body language to know our heart, but but other people rely on it. Sometimes the best way to show compassion is through a warm hug. Good job.
A fitting and uplifting devotional. I do wonder to what extent body language is culturally directed. For example when I lived in Zimbabwe, I would sometimes walk down the road holding another man's hand; here in the UK such an act would send quite a different message entirely! I wonder, but don't know, just how touchy-feely people would have been in Jesus' day. An interesting point to ponder.
This is so fitting. You did an excellent job of bringing the topic into this wonderful devotion and wrapping it up with the perfect prayer.
Creative take on the topic. Good job.
A very informative piece well on topic. Thanks for the devotional study! Colin!
A very enjoyable devotional. Well written and ministered its point extremely well.
I liked the structure of your devotional - beginning with a principle, giving a Bible illustration of it and then encouraging is to apply it in our lives. Good writing.
Excellent thoughts.
Congratulations for placing 14th in your level!