The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh my. What can I say? At first, I was confused because it was supposed to be a letter. But I got it! Sure is a thought-provoking submission. Did he die?
My bad. I went back and read the beginning again. yes, he did.
I love your descriptions of the foliage and more, and I can see your MC sneaking out the door. I hear the frustration in his voice as he talks to his friend--well done! I am not sure how he had the presence of mind to write such an eloquent note, but I am so glad that he thought to write it, especially since, as he said, he never thought.

Your piece made me think, because we don't think about the fact that our selfish moments may be more than momentary. Good job!
This was an interesting idea for a story. I'm glad that you warned me he was dead before I got to the letter. It would have made it worse not to know. Good job!
Wow this is a real tear jerker! You did an outstanding job creating an interesting story with a fresh take on the topic!
Oh goodness, what a different entry. So sad, but very readable. It made me consider the times I've gone driving at night and have forgotten to take my mobile phone with me. Good job Connie.
This concept is unique and definitely gives the reader a reason to pause and consider.

The opening was a lot of telling, and I was a little confused at first since we switched back to Jake's POV, even though he's dead and we wouldn't necessarily know what had happened to him. Just one of those little things that drew me out of the story for a moment.

Your descriptions of the gunfire were excellent. Good story!
Selfish moment--sad story. The emotions came through clearly in your "letter" story.
:( pretty sad, and yes, hunting can be so dangerous. You showed a lot of creativity with this well-written tale. I like the flash-back style you used to tell this. Great work!
Your good detail was helpful to readers (like myself) who are not familiar with deer-hunting scenes. A tragedy to be sure and a harsh reality of decisions that cannot be reversed. Good job.
Great title for this heartbreaking story. At first, I was disappointed in the ending, but then I realized how appropriate it was - unfinished, just like Jake's life. Nice job.
WOW! So sad. Amazing harm we can unknowingly do. Good job on the story.