The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is the story of many little girls today. I'm glad your MC found a happy ending. Whenever I pray for someone who is hurting I ask Jesus to wrap his arms around the person. Your story showed me that I'm not the only one longing to have His arms surround me. Beautifully done.
I had a beautiful experience in my mind's eye of being seated on His lap. It touched me so deeply, I wrote about it as a baby Christian. I didn't want to forget it.
I can hear Matt's song in my head now. Thank you. I love that song. :D
This really spoke to my heart, which also longs for a father's touch even after I have know the touch of THE Father. I think you ARE on topic with this wonderful piece.
Your entry pulsates with a deep desire for the touch of strength and tenderness that only a Father can give. What a precious entry! Thank you!
Carol, this has touched me on so many levels, not the least of which is a cry of my heart--which only God knows--about "touch." You did it, you did it...and I am so grateful for the Spirit who brought ME His word though you. Thank YOU for being His vessel!
Love and blessings to you, my dear sister ~