The Official Writing Challenge
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"Life goes on"...and yes, without that "life", what would we have to write about anyway? :) Sounds like you have settled into a very pleasant writing lifestyle, and I do envy your vine-covered gazebo! Like you, I long for a cabin in the woods (AND a check from a publisher!) I'm sure your writing takes on more depth BECAUSE of your busy lifestyle of serving others. Bless you as you continue.
I agree, we have to make time to write. I don't have spouse/kids but there are many things that wrestle for my time: full time work and lots and lots of family, lots of road trips etc. If we are to write, we have to make the time. Very good point and well said.
Too much is going on in life, and as writers we certainly need to set aside time to write. Perhaps I am pushing myself too much to the point of neglecting other important things, just to have a devotional written every week. Then again, it's what my heart is called to do, and my joy is to minister to others in this way as a worship to the Lord. That's how most of my weekends are like, and sometimes I feel guilty for doing that. "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—" (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NAS).
Wow, I really loved this because I can relate to it so well, except for the check from a publisher, which I'd really love to have. I've never attempted to publish any of my writings yet. Anyway, great writing.
Ah--the wicker chair you purchased "with the last check from my publisher" gives my hope, Chrissy!! Glad you found time to write this week!
You took the practical, nonfiction approach here and put out there what many of us feel.
I think it would be interesting for each of the challenge entries to have the time on them when they were written, don't you?

I found myself nodding in agreement. There is the ordinary things of life to cope with as a writer, but, sometimes in the mundane or ordinary things of life, a sight, a smell, a sentence can give you an inspiration to write when it is the time to write.

It is so good to have you submitting again my friend :-) xx
I've heard "there's alway time for doing the will of God," and if God desires that we should write, there will be time... but we must choose not to be overwhelmed by the "urgent."

Very practical entry... with that "publishers check" offering the hope that it CAN be done.
I love this visual, "In the quietness of the evening, beneath a star sprinkled sky that looks like fairy dust that shimmers in the breeze." You've left me with much to consider. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing your life. And reminding me that everything has it's time. It is so very easy to get caught up in the "busyness" of everything.
You said it well, as much as we crave to write, out happiness lies in God, Family and then those moments such as in your Gazebo, sharing the quietness of the night with all those stars!
I agree. We all have different lives to live. There are many times that I like to justlook at everyones comment and every email. Having two teenages at fifty six with a bad back,dealing with school issues and a sick wife. Having to do house work on top. Well, picture is made plain.
I go through my emails put what I want to read into folders and delete the ones I do not want. Of course I deal with the most pressing.
Having said this most of my writing to faithwriters happen during the day or after 10:00 pm at night when all is quiet.
During this time, my time with God is spent. I have learned to spend time with Him so I can do all I need to do. Yes, I agree. We all have busy lives. but God will enable you as we spend time with Him.
From the encourager