The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Great story with a reminder to not "Judge a book by its cover." Also, reminds me to pray for those who get on my nerves. Well done.
It would have been hard to try, like one of his sisters did, to like Chuck's fiancee, but she had the right idea with the gerbil. Clever ending.
Your decriptions of Leslie fit this diva perfectly--no warm fuzzies coming from her. Liked the interactions between sisters and the sisters and Leslie. I enjoyed the story and the cute ending.
Love this story! Hard to believe there are people like this in the world but we ALL know there is. I too especially like the comical ending.
Great title! Titles always help to hook me. Hard not to judge, especially those who hold themselves higher than others. I'm glad to be part of a community group, Circles4Success, that attempts to break down societal barriers creating friendships across all lines. Liked your last paragraph.
Very cute, with lots of giggles tucked in. Liked the ending, a lesson indeed with the hint of fun to come!
Very funny story. Gotta love those killer gerbils;)
Great interactions between the sisters. And Chuck seemed to "read" his sisters very well. Love the humor!
Omigosh you crack me up with your delightful humor! I would have known you wrote this even if your name never showed up! You're the BEST!