The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Good article, I thought the contraband was bibles stashed in your suitcase. Much better to take Jesus in your heart.
Well written, I too thought it was a Bible you were smuggling, God in your heart is much more important!
Scary - but moving. I ended with a sense that the risk would be rewarded many times over!
I truly liked this entry. I was waiting along wondering if anyone would use this type of "contraband" (he-he) It seemed to me the most perfect way to take the gospel to other countries. That would be my first thought! God bless ya, wonderful story! littlelight
You portrayed your 'contraband in a rather intriguing way. Who would have guessed?
We have "the only answer to the woes of the people" living in our hearts. What a beautiful reminder and a lovely story.
nice twist at the end. Good read!
Great story :) Nicely done.
I enjoyed reading this. I too was fooled into thinking the contraband was Bibles. Good job!
Interesting and rich message about the best contraband we can carry into any environment...true faith in Jesus and the desire to share Him. Well worth reading.