The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
May God bless you for sharing this corner of your heart. I am sure this was difficult to write. Praise God for His love and the assurance He gives that your sweet Grace is safe in Heaven.
Wonderful title, and thank you so much for sharing this moving story. This will bless many others who have gone thorugh similar losses. Lovely.
You take a heart-wrenching and sad circumstance and bring incredible beauty to it by presenting it in the Light of the Kingdom. What a LifeLine for others who go though that particular valley. Well done.
This entry is quite moving. Well written. Thanks for sharing your story with us all.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us. It is evident in your writing. Very moving!
Let's see if I can type this with my glasses fogged up. Nope, had to remove them and try again.
You reached my heart, I feel the pain, the hope, the struggle, the healing.
I love that you named her, Grace. Once God gives you Grace, you never lose it(her)
Yes, continue to tell your story.
Your writing of this story is truly gripping. It's obvious you lived this pain. You had me involved from the beginning, and crying at the end. Thank you for having the courage to share.
May God bless your precious heart for having the courage to share your story. Grace has made it home and 'praise the Lord!' you have the promise to one day go home to her!.
Your heart has told us more about God's loving kingdom than all the stories entered in this challenge.
Beautiful and heartfelt. You shared your heart and made yourself vulnerable here. Out of the ashes will come beauty.
Words don't seem enough here - incredible story, shared with such genuine emotion. My heart breaks for you and I am truly inspired by the faith and courage your family has shown.
What an incredible mixture of pain and love, hurt and healing, brokeness and beauty is captured here and in your life experience. Thank you for sharing. I have been on the professional side sometimes in such circumstances, and though my own heart might be breaking for them, I find it very hard to reach out to the parents in their pain. Your sharing so openly helps me get a better clue as to how I might be more 'there for them'. Thanks.
If I may leave a note about writing style, personally I found it distracting that you split up the verse throughout the writing. I'd have preferred it in one block either at the end or at some transition part way through. But otherwise this was a powerful and memorable entry. Well done.
I really admire you for sharing such a deeply personal and painful experience. This is a profoundly moving story. Well done.
What an incredible story. Knowing that this story is true renders me speechless. Thank you for sharing it. The writing is emotional and creative...very well done.
What a beautiful and moving tribute to your daughter Grace.
Bless youo for sharing with us.
Congratulations on your 2nd place. As I said earlier, this is truly some heart-felt writing.
(((( Hugs )))) Kellie.

You are a writer.

Thank you for sharing your heart.
I am sure that this must have been extremely difficult for you to write, so thank you for sharing and allowing us to learn more about Grace and grace. May God bless you every day with more of Himself. Congratulations on the win...