The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Love it, love it, love it...from the peapod on. I'm not 103, but I remember half the things she was talking about. The voice is perfect, and her life philosophy is very refreshing. Why dwell on the bad things when life is like maple sugar candy? Great entry.
What a delight to read. You used one of my favorite subjects; old folks. Kudos for this charming piece.
Delightful. I loved this "Why, I believe it was made of wool, can you believe it, and I wore long black stockings beneath. Mercy me, it smelled like an old dog when it got wet, no one would dream of actually bathing in that getup" mostly because I have a woolen bathing suit of my mothers! I can't imagine how they stood them. Well done.
Your MC's voice is a lot of fun. She has lost neither wits nor wit.
Peapods...that got me rolling, lol. What a phenomenal voice, you just want to give her a big hug. (BTW, jiffypop was a genius invention...)Awesome piece!
This was amazing! I loved the voice; you portrayed her character very well.
Ahh...I could just see her! Makes me think of my Grandma, still flirting with the men, til the day she died! Having an interview was very creative. Well done!
Wonderful voice in this wonderfully written story.
I went looking for some Jiffy Pop a couple of days ago. Now I'm imagining having to explain that to my kids someday. ;-D This is a delightful, light-hearted piece.
What an awesome story. I LOVE it! Characterization is absolutely perfect and endearing.Wonderful title, too! (And I have Jiffy pop on my counter, waiting for the perfect time to be popped!
I could just see this very-great grandmother giving that young man what for. Wonderful MC.

She reminds me of a 90-something-year-old woman in an assisted living facility in Nebraska who lived for summer. That was when her grandson would ride up on his Harley and take her for a spin. Precious woman.

Loved your story.
Absolutely delightful! Peapod - tooo funny!
Jan, this is a treat, truly! And not even a bit far-fetched.

I have a 103 year old friend who still is teaching a "literary class" for a group of relative youngsters in their 70s and 80s in her assisted living facility. She still drives (gulp!) around our little town and takes herself to church.

This is something to shoot for!
What a humorous yet moving description of a life well lived! I love all the details that make this character such an incredibly real person.
What a spunky, delightful personality this little old lady has!! I wish I could interview her myself! :) I like her attitude and think we would be great friends! Thanks for sharing her with us!
What a character you've created here! I could really picture her and hope to be a lot like her when I'm that age. :)
Jan, I really enjoyed this sweet little story - it has such a warm, homey feel to it...
The characterization of Bernice Arnold is marvelous!
And her "voice" is so-o-o delightful. Excellently done!
Just a sweet lil' old bit of writing. I could almost picture her and the young man she was speaking to. Great characterization (did I spell that right?). My absolute favourite line is "Well, I'm 103, and I can say what I want." Gold.
Besides creative and entertaining, the message is right on. We know how bad things are, dwelling on them won't change a thing. Delightful.
Loved the lady!
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is sweet as maple sugar candy - think about such things, and the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding -
God shines best in those who delight in the world He made.
Great message! Your character is believable and I can totally picture her in my mind.

I know it's focused on her dialogue alone but I think it'd be interesting to read the interviewer's words as well and the interaction between them. I understand that the word count gets in the way, though. :)

Very well done! I expect to see this one way up there in the rankings.
This was incredible! Your word choices were right on target with creating a picture of the USA. This actually was the first piece I have had a chance to read this week - your title had me curious and I was not disappointed.
I think at her age, she earned the right to be opinionated! :) Her memories are vivid and bring those events to life for the reader. Will you forgive me if I say I wanted her to have a red hat and a purple dress? :)
Congratulations on your EC, Jan. As my first comment says, I love this story and woman.
Wonderful entry and it sounds just like you with such a positive attitude! Very fun. Congrats on your wins.
This clever, engaging story deserved this win! CONGRATULATIONS!! :)
Wonderfully written--your MC came to life for me--loved her spunk and her attitude towards life. Congrats on your win.
Loved the voice of your elderly MC. Her voice was authentic and a lot of fun. You mixed just the right amount of humor and truth into this to make it totally believable and a blast to read.