The Official Writing Challenge
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This entry had me fighting back the tears, not sure I'm going to suceed. Thank you for sharing that.
This must have been hard to write but I'm glad you got it all down for the healing that doing so can bring.
You will always have those beautiful moments with your father even though in the end it was painful for you to see his suffering but he got his last wish. Thanks for sharing.
He died at home and is now home where you'll see him again. That's our comfort when a thing like this happens.Heart rendering story.Blessings.
This was a nice piece to read. I too lost my father to cancer (Dec. 7, 2003). It was also a Sunday morning and I was with with when he died. So you can see how this article affected me profoundly. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. I know this was a hard story to share.
Sometimes the pain and suffering we see at the very end of a long,productive and healthy life is all we remember for awhile. It is so difficult to see a person we love, as you so aptly described, forced to let go of people, things and activities. I pray that you will be able to let go of that final week and remember all of the great times of family and fishing!
Thank you for sharing this story.
The problem with growing up...this article really touched me.
Thank you for sharing this special man with us. I'm sure it was difficult but well worth the effort.
Though difficult to write, I'm sure, this will be a sad but treasured account to hand down to younger family members. Your father's character shines in this bittersweet story.
Very touching. Thanks for sharing. Your father sounds like a wonderful man.
Your article reminded me of my own father's death nearly 20 years ago. He too had cancer, but his was particularly aggressive, and he lived just six months after the diagnosis. He was a wonderful father, and your article brought back those memories. Thank you.
I'm glad that he got his wish.