The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Your voice is deep reaching. I felt many emotions during this reading. Keep up the good words.
When I saw your title, I couldn't wait to read your entry. :) I enjoyed your descriptions about the dagger, "ended the cackles of a century of cluckers" and "transformed the hide of a Grizzly" and then that same blade, "Four sons and two daughters were freed from their cords by the flick…." Your phrases were great, "lacrimal missy" "Niagara Falls" and "lacerate a pompous lackadaisical Texas cowhand". Ouch, with the wooden spoons. The "offering to be the town Sheriff" was great. (I was hoping she would do it.) Mama was definitely "pioneer stock". Great writing! I enjoyed this very much.
Wow! This is a great story, well written, descriptive, an engaging narrative. You're a novelist in the making.
I enjoyed your piece very much. You are a good writer. And I especially liked the way you were able to portray Mama as a three-dimensional character. My only critique is that I would've loved to have seen more of Mama's softer side, like the way she sees the Creator in His creations. I thought those tiny moments were most effective. Good work.
Very unique and different, not the usual conventional mother story that's for sure...but I would have liked the softer side of her as well...but that doesn't take away from the masterful writing style. Thanks for sharing....
Wow! What a Mom, and what a story. You did a fine job, using descriptive phrasing and concepts. Very well written.
Congratulations on your win! This one was a great read, and made me laugh a lot.:)There is no way I could not visualize her with all your descriptive writing in play.
What an intriguing woman! I liked the narrative approach worked very effectively. The pace of the story seemed non-hurried and flowed well, although you had only a certain amount of words to say sooooo much. Congratulations!
This was incredible. You have quite a talent.
WOW!! You certainly have a wonderful way with words!! :) I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and heartily congratulate you on your EC! It is well-deserved!