The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1422 times
Member Comments
What a wonderful story! You did a good job in describing the details. I could see it. I like this.
Beautiful testimony of God's ability to penetrate the hearts of mankind even under very difficult circumstances. Very well done! Great reading; I'd love to read more of the adventures in this village. :)
I really enjoyed this. Anointed! God bless.
This is an awesome story. What an excellent reminder to be open to God's leading, even when we are tired or busy, etc. I'd love to hear more stories from the years you spent in the Andes ;-)
I could tell it was a true story by the descriptions. Isn't our memory wonderful, bringing back to mind the sights and smells to make our writing real?
I love that this is true. You described the people and the situation very well. One teeny thing...I think you meant mountain "peak" instead of "peek."
I would like to read more about these people. Great message.
You wrote each line so descriptively that I could actually picture the characters and scenery in my head. From creative title to happy ending, this was excellent!
You hooked me from the first sentence, and never let me go. Very, very good!
Excellent. I like the MC's honest emotions. He was tired, ready to give into his flesh. Thanks God he didn't. The images...cold air, smelly tent...they were so real. Thank you.
Excellent. I like the MC's honest emotions. He was tired, ready to give into his flesh. Thanks God he didn't. The images...cold air, smelly tent...they were so real. Thank you.
Wow! The descriptions, the people, the characterizations; everything is lined up and well presented in this excellent entry! I could almost smell that fresh air and see those glorious stars. Well done.
Okay, now I reallllllly want to go to the Andes....

There are 6 billion people on this planet and most of them are similar to what you've described - poor, living simple lives and ready to meet Jesus - the Hope of the Nations.

Excellant job!
Wow! I hate to think of the opportunities I've missed because I was "too tired." Thank you for sharing this true story.
Just excellent - I was totally captivated, and went back to this one more than once. Shoulda known it was yours, but I didn't until I was told. Congrats, girly!
Well done !
Wonderful! I love this Peej. Congrats - well done, my friend. :) Cat