The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You nailed it. I could see this just as clearly as I see it in black and white in repeats of The Andy Griffith show. Great job.
Very entertaining writing, especially the phone conversation. Unique take on topic. Excellent!
Delightful and fun - definitely a unique take on the topic. Sounds like it was a BLAST to write!
Well written and very on topic. I liked all your characters and the dialogue was particularly good.
DEFINITELY one of my favorites on this level! I could see every bit of this taking place--in black and white!
I love Andy Griffith, so I expected a lot, and wasn't disappointed. You've got the voice down perfect. Thanks for a fun read.
This is wonderful. You absolutely nailed the characters and dialogue. What a great job with the topic. One of my favorites.
Oh, do I remember these characters. You did a great job of capturing them in words. Well done.
Creative and brave. Enjoyed it very, very much. God bless.
Simply adorable! Loved every minute of it. Now you've got me whistling the theme song.