The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
How original! I felt myself longing to take the child and hold her in my arms. Thank you for a beautiful piece.
Wow, what a story! I like the POV of the child and the way she compares her family to the "weerd" people who laugh and enjoy their time together. I'd love to read a whole book about this child's journey toward faith. (Hope you write it!) I love the diary format you used, also.
A very touching piece. The child's innocent words and spelling brought us into her world so effectively. This was written in a very genuine child-like voice which made the story believable. Wouldn't be surprised if the author of this piece has a lot of experience with children.
Love the format and voice of the child in this piece... unique writing on topic.
Oh, I love this approach. Excellent job with POV and spelling - enough to get the message across, but not so much that it's distracting. Nice job!
Very creative, and sad. I hope the little girl gets her wish (in a later chapter)!
GREAT story! I fell in love with this precious lonely child. Very effective way to get the definition of fellowship across.
"Whats there to think about?" I had to smile at this one... through my tears! Touching story but one that leaves the reader with a hopeful feeling.
Oh, I really, really like this one. The POV is great!
I felt a kinship with Sally from my long-ago childhood. It takes a long time to overcome the effects of growing up in that kind of household. I'm still working on it. Like Sally, I had people in my life that demonstrated to me that there is a better way, and I am thankful to them. Maybe I should have written this story? No you did it, and did so much better than I would have. I thank you. Great job!
Very original and creative. What a lesson that people are watching us all the time. As Christians our fellowship should be attractive to others to point them to the Lord. Thanks for sharing this. God bless!
A really unique take on the topic. I like looking through the little girl's eyes. Good message here, too.
I loved it. It makes you want to both laugh and cry. The sad, quaint innocence of the little girl was expressed so well through her writing style, and makes it so funny, so poignant and so appealing. Even the "Grammar Gestapo" would laugh and cry after reading this one.
You're getting better and better.