The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I like "How can I hear his still small voice if I'm not in touch with him?"
Nicely written. Good reminder of what is important.
Your descriptions in the beginning as you describe the day are very vivid and well done.This is an extremely relatable devotion.
I love the way you show our inner strength as needing to be fed as well and how easy it is to ignore doing so. Good job!
Beautiful devotional! It is amazing how easy it is to get caught up in the details of life and put off strengthening our relationship with God. Thank you for the reminder of what's important!
'Basking in the rays of His mercy and His grace,' This one is my favorite!

A beautiful devotional to remind us to take the time to replenish our strength!
What a wonderful, encouraging devotional. It has uplifted me and helped me to want to be more frugal with my time.