The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Thank you for this gripping story with an inspirational message
Had I scanned the entire list, I'd have known this was yours ;)

Well-written as always - a very good story with a wonderful message! Well done!
Interesting, spotted one typo should be "tremor" instead of trimmer. Very engrossing, felt the end was a little rushed (which is understandable because of word count)and could the person who had had tremendous back pain aid in the rescue of another? Just wondering.
For those who dont know.... Yes, it was from a real past experience, I just didn't use the real names.
"You acted out of anger...I act from the love of God..."

Such simple words, but they moved me. Well done.
Great job, Pup. Well written with an awesome message, as usual. Thanks.
Oh wow - simply amazing.