The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1500 times
Member Comments
If you don't win, there is no justice. This is an incredible piece. I don't know ahat else to say.
*gotta tell Kyle to read this, gotta tell Kyle to read this, gotta tell Kyle to read this...* Oh, what's that? Sorry. Uh, this ROCKED my socks off! I want this one to win. Fo' real! I loved the last line. Gave me chills down my back "My purpose." WOW WOW WOW!!! Sorry to go on and on. This one is going down in the record books as one of my favourite writings of all time. Thanks for sharing!
Mmmhmm, mmmhmmm, that was good. :-) Thanks for pointing this out to me, Jez. Aiight, I am dying to know who wrote this! Whoever it was is my new best friend. :-) The structure was excellent, the descriptions were beautiful, and the ending... totally unexpected! Way to go. As mentioned above, if this doesn't win, there is no justice.
Awesome! Deep! Tragic! A tree born for the sole purpose of being one man's hanging tree? So beautifully written that I can't complain; Just awesome...what else can one say?
I felt the same as everyone else here. This was awesome! I hope you do win:) nice way to present the topic:))
Stunning! I was assuming a different Man would hang there. I was completely caught off-guard ... Wow!
I had to come back and tell you ... I 'got' your title. Very clever.
As one tree's purpose to bear our Saviour - another's, to bear His traitor. A sad balance. Good work - well done.
No law against commenting twice, right? You have GOT to get this published! Do NOT change one jot or one tittle! Perfection personified AS IS!!

I have read & re-read, and it STILL makes the heart stop, throat tighten and eyes moisten over with the awesome splendor of a finished Masterpiece on display...admidst the sound of a Standing Ovation!!
Ooooohhhh! It wasn't until I read Pat's comment that I "got" this story. Now I see. LOL Facinating story.
This article is insane! it's a masterpeice. I can't believe you didn't win! I agree with the above writings. You need to ge this published.