The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Good, concise read. Now I'm envisioning "No Plucking" written on God's palm.
I really enjoyed this. I'd just spent the evening with my four-week-old granddaughter and her tiny hands are perfect and so beautiful. She's just beginning to explore them. She is a miracle in herself. God knitted her together so perfectly like he did with his creation. There's no way the world or my granddaughter's hands turned out the way they did by happenstance. No, only a powerful and mighty God could perform such a feat.
This is an excellent piece of writing--very much like something I'd expect to see in level 4.

I only have one tiny critique, and that's a bit of punctuation that you could probably make a case for: I'd change the semicolon in the second paragraph to a colon.

I've got to give you a virtual high five for using 'myriad' correctly, too.

Other than that, I'd only suggest that you expand the first part, which was very compelling reading. After you've gone through your broad mentions of how hands can be used in peoples' lives, perhaps you could then include a specific example of a time in your life when your hands were particularly important to you. You're a gifted writer, and people would enjoy reading an anecdote like that, and including personal stories makes your writing even more relatable.
God's creation of hands and all the uses for them is really quite amazing. Congratulations on your 2nd place.
Congratulations on ranking 2nd in your level and 14 overall. The highest rankings can be found on the message boards.