The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very nice! I had never read that verse before. This story held my attention all the way!:))
Oooh, nice! A longer version would be great!
Oh! She found a man! More importantly she was given the revelation of His word. Seeing people as God intended us to, helps us to "hate the sin, but love the sinner." We can reach others when we see them as potential new creations and not old discards. Thanks for this enlightening article:)
A lovely story, which kept my interest throughout. Can't wait for the "continuation"...what happened Friday? smile.
What a great story! I really enjoyed reading it. Good job!
Super, creative, well written, a complete storyline. I loved every word. Thank you.
This was totally wonderful story telling. Smooth, precise, and right to the mark. Easy on the eyes too. God bless ya, littlelight
Nicely done - good characters
The reactions in the lift were a good slice of society. I liked his open character, I hope this ends as all good romances should! (LOL! Can't help myself!)
:) Karen
The beginning of something possibly great. You see these eager hands reaching out for more?
Well, get writing!
Great job! Can't say much that hasn't already been said above, but I enjoyed your writing and the intriguing spiritual perspective.
Liked the physcal manifestation of aroma and how you kept its significance 'till the end. At first I thought it might be an evil thing. So glad it wasn't. Yeggy
Nice Job. The title caught my attention and the story was really sweet. I didn't like her feeling old at 28...Makes me feel really old at 38...Ha..
There were quite a few entries about the scent of sinners and Christians, but this was a fresh take on it. I enjoyed yours turning out to be about a potential romance. One thing I might suggest changing is the first mention of the mist. You have it beginning in the bathroom, but if she was a long time Christian, wouldn't it already be with her? Maybe just leave out the word beginning?
Kathleen, I just wanted to pop in and encourage you - your entry did very well in the Fragrance Challenge. You were next in line for a Level 2 award, ranking 6th for that level, and you also ranked 18th overall (out of 145 entries). That's excellent! Well done. With love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)