The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You did a great job in building up the suspense. I had sensed she had died or was in a coma. I yearn to know more about your character and her story. An editing note- ok is spelled okay. You have a gift with building a suspenseful story, keep writing.
You really brought me into the MC's mind and did a good job of keeping me as confused as she was. The end was a surprise, even though I should have known it. One thing that would have made it read a little more smoothly is to keep it all in one tense. Otherwise, good job.
The story was about what happened to me in 1982...A Pretty scary time in my life but also exciting to see how God healed me with no issues afterward. God is definitely in the healing business even in today's world! Hopefully,this my testimonial story, will give some hope to those who are told they have no hope. There is ALWAYS Hope with Jesus!