The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Whew! Great entry! It's hard to imagine being inside the head of Judas, but you managed it. It was an intreging way to go!
I agree, very interesting point of view! Also thought-provoking was the line, "God must want this. It's been too easy." How many times are we tempted to think that when it may not necessarily be true? Great article!
WOW! This is an AMAZING story! Very nicely done! Two thumbs up...WAY up!!
Very nice job relating the events of that night in the garden. I REALLY loved how you ended this piece. Very nice job, keep up the great work!
I've often wondered about Judas. It's so easy to see him as the enemy but I've often thought that he was one of the more educated disciples. And education sometimes makes us over analize like he did here. It was a chilling read.
Wow! I could picture his run to the temple and then to the garden. I could understand why he did that. But oh, how tragic, to be the instrument of His being handed over to die. Magnificently written!
Excellent! Using Judas shows us that even when we willingly go against our Lord--He uses "our willingness to betray" even for His Glory! Our Jesus truly makes all things new and can transform our worst trash into His greatest triumph!
Wow! This is really great. You brought every scene to life and gave some insight into what Judas might have been thinking. Truly excellent. Congratulations.