The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
WOW!. That had to be scary. I think we all have an unspoken fear of being locked in some place and can't get out. You really were in a jam, glad it didn't take to long to resolve. well written.
I was shaking reading this, as I am a world renown claustrophobic!

Excellent job with this,

Powerful story!
Thank you for this writing. You have given us food for thought. We might determine to arm ourselves with a fear for any empty lift before we even enter it or prepare us for an exciting journey as the doors open to an empty lift. It is our choice what should we take?

This piece was well written and the emotions plainly shown.
I feel as though I am in the elevator with you. You so described how I feel when my claustrophobia sets in.

I cant' stand to be closed in a room without windows and stuck in an elevator would be the utmost panic time for me. You are very gifted. Keep up the good writing!
Congratulations on your 3rd place level 2 ranking.! Keep writing.