The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very moving and touching thought provoking story...

Well done.

God bless~
Thank you for sharing this story with all its honesty and rawness. I too believe that a failure to thrive is a failure to love for it is truly the Spirit of God that equips us with all the love we need to stay with our partner, regardless of the marriage situation. Well written and explained.
I can only say "Amen" to this well written account. Been there, done that, and learnt same. Praise our God for second chances.
Heart wrenching topic to which I can fully relate. You captured the essence of divorce's forever impact on people very well.
Boy, can I relate.

But sometimes, there is no other choice and the children suffer the consequences. I try to keep myself from wondering too...would my son still have turned to drugs had I stayed married to his father?

Probably, but I don't know for sure. I just try to stay in the present.

God Bless and congratulations on your "highly commended."
Congratulations on your highly commended award in the Intermediate Category.

Marriage has been a struggle from the beginning of time. You made many timely tips, and I am glad you or the M.C. are currently in a thriving marriage