The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was a great story. I liked the majority dialogue on the part of Mom. Her explanation of Jesus' gift of salvation was very comforting. Good job.
A close friend recently asked almost the same question as the son in your story. Wish I had read this before I attempted an answer. You address it so well! Great writing.
I had this conversation with a "Brad" in my life recently.
The war of the mind is fought daily in most of us, and too often we lose. Thanks for a gentle reminder to opt for peace. Great story, right on topic and nicely written.
Thanking God in advance shows our faith and trust in His answer. Good story and good writing.
thank you I like the immediacy and simplicity of this writing. It is a good way to explore the subject of war and peace through a dialogue between mother and son. no doubt this is a conversation that is oft repeated in many homes but the touches of detail make it original.