The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Thank you for your lovely poem. Sword thrusts heal in time but written words cause scars that never heal.
How very true that once the words are out they can never be taken back.
Good poem and excellent points.
Good message. Anger in whatever from it is acted out in...accomplishes only pain.

Like how you brought it all together about what does matter...Forgiveness and Salvation through Christ.
I loved (LOVED) the lines, "so what is more deadly? The steel or the ink?". Powerful!
Your poem is wonderful and has a beautiful message. I have actually begun to heal emotionally from a war era wound while in uniform. I thank-you from the depths of my Eternally Grateful heart. Please, continue writing!!
Good job!
You are probably one of the few who took the stance of the pen causing more damage.

I like this very much.

It reminded me of Proverbs 18:19 "A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city."

I have counselled some who were deeply wounded emotionally, because of the spoken word!

Thank you for this thought provoking piece.
Nice job w/ the momentum-building!
Love your title!