The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Great achievement and you are right. Every experience changes you and should make you more ready for the spiritual life. Congratulations on conquering your fear that day.
"Thank You" This was especially inspirational for me today! Great Faith Writing!
Great story. Whew! good description of facing the enemy too.
God bless ya, littlelight
Loved the content! Great message and parallel. Logistic comment - break it up with double space between paragraphs to make more readable. I thought it flowed pretty well. Nice.
Wow, that's quite a challenge! Training yourself with the tangible physical to better understand and live the spiritual.
Oh wow -my stomach knotted up just thinking about it! I did try rock wall climbing one time at an indoor wall, when I worked in childcare. The kids talked me into trying it - didn't get very far! bad neck and back lol -plus I used to have nightmares of falling of ladders backwards. Very good lesson (one I'm not quite ready for -even thought I stopped having the nightmares). Great!
Well written devotional. Do follow Tammy's advice to make it a more enjoyable read.
Good devotional, break into paragraphs for easier reading.