The Official Writing Challenge
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What a great and mighty God we serve! He alone knows what we need and when.

Very good message. You might want to include more showing and less telling in the middle paragraphs.
I enjoy the details you included in your writing. The cool water. I like learning about what it s like for someone to become Christian before college and go to a Christian college, because I did not do either. The part at the end of you writing was very engaging. I really wanted to know if there would be three dollars. You paced that just right! It was thrilling for me to remember how specifically God answers prayer. Thank you for the encouragement. God is asking me to trust him with something big right no, and it is uncomfortable. God bless.
This is a great story. I think it was a nice take on the topic. I think it was fresh and clever.You drew the reader in.

The only thing I might suggest would be to leave some of the back story out so you could focus on the conflict. Though you painted a nice picture, the fact that he was in a big city and what not didn't matter as much in this story. I wanted to know what happened that he needed the extra dollar that week. I think it would have really helped the reader to know the MC if you had shown the need for the money, then his hustling by mowing grass to try and earn and then the best part of the story, the prayer.

I had an inkling that this was a true story. Sometimes it's hard to sort out what's important to include in a true story because all of it is important to you. I think you have a wonderful knack for storytelling. I found myself rooting for the MC and became totally immersed in his conflict. The ending was fantastic. You had an excellent example of how God watches out for us, even in what some might call a coincidence, we who know the truth are blessed by his glory. Your story blessed me immensely. You truly did a fantastic job.
I think the strongest part of your writing was the imagery. I could feel the prickly pieces of grass on my neck.
I felt as if I were actually there as I read this well developed and interesting entry. Very nicely done.

God bless~
Love this story, was very uplifting. God does answer our prayers!
Congratulations for placing 9th in level one!