The Official Writing Challenge
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It's hard to imagine typing with your nose but if it works, then try the same approach for the upcoming assignment. You might want to sew your pockets shut to keep your hands from hiding.

We all have writer's block. Here's something that helps me. Begin with the end in mind. Sometimes if we write backwards the words fall into place. Good luck.
I have been in this same position myself. You did well with the piece. Keep writing!
I loved your humer. Be careful typing with your nose because when your muse kicks in, you may get hurt:)
I love your delightful sense of humor. I did expect quite a few love stories but you did it in a wonderfully fresh way!
A situation to which we can all relate! I liked the humor and the ending/title. Nice job!
Ha! Wonderful twist in the beginning, and a delight to read.

If you really are stuck, try this: set a timer for ten minutes and type. There are no rules except you can't stop typing (if your nose if you have to). Don't stop to correct; leave all errors, fragments, and incomplete thoughts alone and keep typing. This is supposed melt away critical thought and release creativity. Usually, most of the time at the very end, a surprising and interesting train of thought appears out of nowhere.
Your element of surprise was impressive.:-) I could be wrong, but your use of quotes marks in, "Oh no,..." would have been more appropriate had it been a quote, not a thought.

Your entertaining humor is somewhat overshadowed by believability. Did you REALLY peck this out, or was there another way to resolve the problem that's credible to the reader.

I like your conclusion. Interesting piece with lots of possibilities.

Disclaimer: Judges may overrule.:-)
I too could relate to this. There's something about wintertime that makes you want to snuggle up under a blanket and forget about the whole idea of writing. It's the time of year where it's darker here and depression is the natural result.

(I'm not saying you're depressed; I'm saying I do struggle with depression this time of year)

I hope it doesn't sound cliche, but my favorite way of getting out of writer's block is to spend time thanking and praising God for His goodness to me. Sometimes when I'm struggling I also take promises from God's Word and start proclaiming them over my life. I declare that my writing will succeed. I'm working at being more consistent in that regard and have by no means arrived, and I must say I admire you for sticking your nose in that typewriter and finishing the piece.

God bless you on future endeavors and keep writing!
original take on the theme. you are a lateral thinker and clever to boot. loved this one!
getting your letters in a twist is a modern version on a stammer perhaps!
Congratulations for ranking 7th in level one!