The Official Writing Challenge
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What an illustration of the goodness and meaness of mankind! Throughout it all, God is there all the time. What a terrifying event to have experienced!
You packed lots of good information in here. I would have liked to have known more about the wedding, I think. That could have been a whole story. The whole thing fascinated me, tho, living in Central Illinois where we just don't get too many forest fires;)
A lot of interesting information on and insight into a culture I'm not too familiar with. I couldn't really see the connection between the fires and the wedding and this spoiled your piece for me. As someone else has already said, either expand the wedding or cut it out. Hope this helps. Bless you, Gregory
Gosh Noel. I'm reading this four years later but in the light of what's happening in Australia right now, your detailed descriptions reveal to me just how terrifying and tragic this is.

It's not hard to understand why people ask where God is in such events.
And incidently, this is an excellent piece of work.