The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
My dad is a fellow much like Bob in your story--didn't much heed warnings, either. Drove my mom nuts!
My husband is a weather spotter, so anytime there is bad weather -- he's not with us! GRRR!!! We all feel much safer when he's home but so glad we have our Heavenly Father to keep watch on us:) You make a good point. We should plan better for disasters.
Good lesson!
This article hit home as I have watched all the damage that tornadoes have done today on TV. I pray that folks will be prepared for whatever may come their way. Great Reminder.
I so wanted to grab Bob and drag him kicking and screaming down the stairs (well actually KICK him down the stairs). I held my breath when Charlene saw him casually about to sit down for dinner with the tornado about to touch down. Good story. I am so grateful to God we don't have tornadoes like that over here.
I bet alot of readers really get your message and get motivated. I could tell your heart was on display here. Great work.
When I lived in Texas, I was like Charlene, always afraid with every sound I heard and what would happen if it actually struck our trailer home. In all the years we lived there, a tornado never went through our town, but it finally did 2 years ago. Making sure your precious belongings like documents and pictures is good preparation. This was fun to read.
Perfect for the topic. I felt the tension your MC felt about the storms. Great job.
Oooh, we've had some tornado warnings lately where I am and I tell you, it's like your last line. You prepare for the day you never want to come. You did well with keeping the contrast between the husband and wife, and especially keeping the urgency of it. Great job! ^_^