The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1012 times
Member Comments
Noticed two grammatical errors after submission. I'll have my work proof read before submitting next time. Guess that's a lesson learned by a beginner.
Oooh, great sense of irony!

This is definitely an issue that the church needs to deal with more effectively.

Some formatting issues were a bit distracting--try using the "preview" button next time, and you can catch the quirky little things that come up.
The formatting made this a little hard to read.
It must be hard for missionaries to come into churches and not be able to help some of the situations that they see.
Keep writing
Obviously it was more than just the missionary who drove Steven away. It is a difficult balance to condemn the sin, but not the sinner.

FYI, you are not supposed to comment on your own piece until after the judging is complete, since the judging must be done without knowing the writer. :)
Good writing on a touchy subject. You shed some needed light on a problem facing the church in today's society.