The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Another winner! Boy are those judges in for a quandry this time! So far I've read two and both have been pure delight. Your poem is absolutely amazing and I loved it's message to children!
I really appreciate someone who can write good poetry. I like the topic and the way that you handled it. To have the "monster" under the bed become best friends with Ted is a novel idea.
This poem was very delightful. My nine year old would enjoy it.
Well done.Wonderful piece!:0) I absolutely love poetic verse and you have captured the readers attention with suspense and yet added humor. I like the ending too and think this would make a great children's book. I can see it illustrated. I would love to do the artwork for this. My lifelong dream is to be a writer/illustator as I love to paint and draw as much as write. Again, great work. God bless your gift. Janice
Very good poetry for children. Good pov.
I loved the rhythm of the poem and the wonderful lesson at the end. Very cleverly done.
What a great poem. Kids will love this! Congratulations on making the EC list. Great job!
Congratulations. A great message in a very cute poem. This would have great illustrations.
Very good!
Great title and charming story! I love to read children's stories written in rhyme. Well done!